This topic was one of my interest to deliver in record format during Krishna Janmashtami. My daughter's school had announced a competition on this topic for the parents. She wants me to take part in it and for her I presented my own experience of reading our epic book - 'BHAGAVATH GITA'. I would like to share it in my blog as I donot want to lose my writing under it. I am giving here the same content as what had been the pen worked for this topic.
Pranams !!! to everyone who are listening this audio ( the speech was presented in audio format). First of all my heartful thanks to the school for choosing this topic 'Bhagavath Gita an inspiration. Truely I feel great to give my words on this topic. Bhagavath Gita is an epic scripture that has answers to each and every situations and problems that we face in our human life. I would like to share my own experience here. Few years back I met with an accident and was in bed for twenty eight days. One of my friend suggested me once to read Bhagavatham. But work schedule didn't gave space to open the epic book. I thought of to open it during that period. The book inspired and also continued my reading even after I recovered. It taught me to realise my errors and to remain clam. My personal experience of Bhagavath Gita is live and motivated my knowledge, how to take things happening around me easily with full patience and confidence.
Lord Krishna says: Undoubtedly, O Arjuna! the mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by any constant vigorous spiritual practise - such as meditation- with preserverance, and by detachment. (6.35)
All creatures like birds, animals and insects never worry about anything. They live their life merrily. Words of Krishna is telling us to think with a calm mind. It means, we have to gain clarity on any situation. It takes a lot of effort to keep clarity. By practising we can succeed calmness. One way is mediatation and another is by distancing ourself from the situation. It is not physically but mentally. The epic book states that human soul is one with ultimate god.
Bhagavath Gita has three major themes. They are knowledge, action and love. Each one in this universe is born with a dharmic duty.
# Dharma ( sacred duty) - Each one is born with this duty. Responsibility is important to fulfill this scared duty. Grudges will be there but we have to forward those grudges as duties and not as burden. Those grudges teach us discipline.
# Disciplined Action (Leave all to god, he is the care taker of all) - In our hard times we stop paralysed with fear, doubts and confusions. Some situations set us in emotions. But we should not forget our responsibilities. To achieve it, The epic directs us to practise 'yoga'. Practising yoga develops self knowledge. It is really self realisation.
# Self knowledge (Treat everyone equally. Give up results. Think with a calm mind. Don't give stress and be ready for change).- Not only physical fitness is enough for us. Our knowledge is clouded with desires. Lord Krishna asks Arjuna to attach himself with his duty which is to fight in war for a dharmic end.
Human should perform our duties sincerely with full devotion, without expecting any fruit or result. It is said as 'Nishkam Karma'. It means desireless action. It is the central tenet of karma yoga path to liberation. A soul is embodied and unaware that it is one with God. So the body must go through 'samsara' the cycle of birth and rebirth, until it realises its oneness. It is so we forget lord Krishna's teachings. Just surrender into me, I will take care of you and will protect you from everything. It is easier to understand but difficult to perform. We have control over our doings without motivating ourself for fruits.
Practise involves oneness. It saves us from anger and frustration. Also it appreciates us for one more try. Let try to practise and follow the concepts such as, to treat everyone equally, think with a clam mind, not to give stress and to be ready for changes.
Dear readers, I hope I have suggested over what I know could have made you feel I am ok to present on tonic of epic
. Let me hope so............... as your mind voice.