Adulthood is a stage which framinfactuation and stylish league among boys and girls. Every teenage crosses a matured cycle in age less facts where fail to learn that its not the age to fulfill maturity. Its actually a dialemma mind role to perform during teenage to adult. When I was doing my graduation, there got admit my school mates and familiar pupil in the same instituiton. Some where it happened to along with known faces in the same department I opt. As all engage I too got up minkle with few new faces. As people discuss, I also happened to discusss about my school friends and incidents as could share. But in certain concert it was not all the time accepted among the group about everyone's experience. Similarly we in group had shared many different spots each other. Within few months had a break between the team and I spent my days alone otherthan in class time with classmates. During that period, there joined me one of a known school related girl and stood with me understanding slowly what am I. The team in which I quit alone was spreading wrongly about my habits and attitude came to my ears through other class mates. Hopefully I had a habit of being friendly with all. There I learned that should choose a friend is very concerned in our life. Also I fix a state in me that, thereafter to find a long sit of study to select a friend. None to taken by chance in out path is preciously material. Through my known new mate one who was known well through my school friends, I understood whatever we speak to someone or share believing to someone will be rollcoasted to others in different features. Also it might spoil own stand. She was there to hold me in some kind of bond where still she is there to ask my moves in positive patup. Her stood taught me to be a friend like her with others while they choose me as a friend. She was not ready to leave me at any cost to others. still I donot have answer for her hold for me. I have never asked her yet about it. Often it waves in me unanswered with lots of love and bonded relationship. Even after a long gap between me and her she chose a day to enquire me. Really a gifted character is she yet. Often she used to question me, Are you true in your words what you are sharing during those days. But I use to think why she asked so? Later it was understood that my portrait by other group was full of errors. That was intook by other mates also. Commonly we all experience criticism. But being a friends in a team and playing behind was very new for me during those days where I suppose to lately understand it. At the end of the course I asked her, why she often question so? as, Am I speaking true always?. Still remember her face answering me a big smile saying, 'I know you morethan they understand you'. I compelled her to tell me the reason behind her words, she revealed about my unknown group members and their deal with me. Reason they mistake me was a humour. Infactuation among teens during those days happened to discuss about a girl to other girls, where my team fail to accept it. There came to know that I am immature to study people around during that age. Though happened I was quiet to listen and to walk forward the team not speaking anything nor distanced them. When share about things to somebody its to be chose carefully that whether the thing is essential to discuss or else its needed to discuss to particular person? Have a think twice or thrice before giving words about anything or anybody to somebody. Its purposely to defeat a mind makes to spread about. There miss to know that its actually a self dig. 'What goes around will comes around' is the ture karmic statement. Think before forward anything. What you act will surely suppress you, if you are wrong in act. Similarly what you act will surely blesses you, if you are right in act. Believe people nor criticise. Unless you find a person turns a word just give them a handshake and express him/her your views openly and move forward without hitting behind. That's the maturiry you could familiarise at any stage. Ought to be turned on matured habitual in all the way without permitting to suppress self. Feed you with unturned words and turn on positively like my new friend one who expressed me my surrounding. I stopped showing concern over all characters from that day she stood along. Hope my readers too will stand with concern and not with criticism behind a character. While I text this part I feel laughter of immature performance. Stay blessed confidently.